Pennypack Farm CSA
Community supported agriculture (CSA) is defined as a mutually beneficial partnership between a farm and the people who consume the food produced there. Community members pay the CSA farm an annual fee for a "share" and in return receive fresh, chemical-free vegetables (and sometimes fruit) each week.
This arrangement benefits both the farm and the community. Small, suburban farms receive the financial support they need to remain in business. Some of the risk inherent in growing the food is distributed over a wider community.
Everyone is eligible but there is currently a wait to particpate as all shares are sold out. Most families are on the wait list for at least one year. Submit your name to be put on the waitlist.
Income Guidelines
There are no income restrictions to participate. There are a few shares available for families who need financial assistance. You may call CADCOM at 610.277.6363 x121
There are different share sizes and associated costs as well as a "workshare" for people who are accepted for a reduced rate in exchange for work on the farm. Please note that ALL shareholders are expected to do 4 hours work during the season.
Program Background and Details
Community members pay the CSA farm an annual fee (called a "household share") to cover the costs of growing each year's crops for them. In return, those share buyers receive a wide variety of fresh, chemical-free vegetables (and sometimes fruit) each week.
Program Background and Details
Pennypack Farm Education Center for Sustainable Food Systems is a charitable, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to increasing public understanding of the health, economic, ecological and social issues involved in sustainable local food systems.
Pennypack Farm was formed in 2002 with the support of the Alliance for a Sustainable Future in Ambler. We are located on 24 acres generously leased to us by The College Settlement of Philadelphia at 856 Mann Road in Horsham, PA.
Program Contact Information
Food Resource Center
610-277-6363 x122